Hi PCahill Your picture didn't come through. I took a look and page 50 and 51
of Heavy Maintenance 76-00-00 https://www.cps-parts.com/cps/pdf/d05014.pdf
gives value of potentiometer you need to know.
I would call Rotax Center and see if they can get parts, if not can they rebuild
it for you?
Perhaps you can locate a good used one? I did a quick search and found:
I don't know what the thing looks like, but you know the values from the manual,
perhaps you can buy the part? Look at big 4? Mouser, Allied, Newary and
Since you know the values, perhaps you can rig up an external potentiometer.
you could drive off cable if it has correct throw? If not turn a barrel
the precise diameter and drive a cable? Or make a servo arm the precise length?
I ran into a problem with my cowl flap. The Actonix linear servo had an
internal potentiometer. I purchased their display that has a severe design flaw
and after 2 attempts burned up internal wiring to potentiometer. I ended up
installing a Ray Allen external potentiometer to one of their displays. Works
great: http://www.rayallencompany.com/products/indsens.html they call it a
position sensor. This is to give you an idea to use an external position sensor.
I took Buds advise and have the cable tail of my Servo follow on into a piece of
plastic tube:
If you could match the required values using a long tail to drive position
could be very nice. You could probably trim values a little with resistors.
If not lucky, obtaining a sensor with correct values and making a barrel with
precise diameter needed to drive a cable would probably be my second choice.
Here's a pic of install of external sensor on my cowl flap:
sensor on left side. I needed to position the pin a precise distance from flap
pivot. Works great (on ground thus far). BTW the cowl flap closes 100% and opens
with trail edge hanging down in airstream about same angle as my old 1948 Cessna
170 had aft side of cowl hanging in breeze:
Ron P.
Read this topic online here: