Good Evening
I noticed something strange this evening asI was climbing out at full
power, when I got to about 1000ft, I switched the electric fuel pump off
and the fuel pressure dropped quite alarmingly from about 0.32bar to
below 0.2bar. When I noticed it, I immediately switched the electric
pump back on to restore the pressure. I then leveled off, reduced power
and flew a tight circuit back to land.
After landing, I monitored the pressure at various power levels (with
mechanical pump only) and saw the pressure was at around 0.3bar
I have seen it posted on various forums that its 'one of those things'
and its nothing to worry about, but I do!!
I should also mention that Im seeing the pressure on a mechanical gauge
as opposed to an electrical display readout.
Has anybody else come accross this before and is it a real problem?