Hi Revision 1 of this service letter was published in 2016 and refers to amongst
others the 912 UL and 912 ULS. Revision 2 of the same SI was issued this year
and refers to amongst other Rotax engines to the 912ULS. Critically not to
the 912 US (80HP).
Perhaps this may help.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of JohnFrance
Sent: 26 April 2021 11:04
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Cruise speed data for Monowheel with 912ULS
Just out of interest, when I search for SL-912-016R1 I only find the 2016
even on the Rotax site. What am I missing?
Regarding propeller settings on my mono, WOT static is 5400 rpm, WOT at 3500
ISA conditions 5500 rpm, WOT climb @ 65 kts 5200. Cruise @28 MAP 135 kts and
5100 rpm using 20 ltr m/hr.
The consumption is higher than I would like so I am now throttling back to
27,2 which is around 5000 rpm.
The propeller is a ground adjustable EProps V20 1,6m diameter.
I hope this is useful.
Europa mono Nr 192
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