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Europa-List: Re: Charge warning light

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Charge warning light
From: rparigoris <>
Date: Sun, 2 May 2021 16:31:48

Hi Will

I'm not flying yet with my 914 but went with a B&C AVC1 for several reasons. 
an Earth-X battery and can set voltage setpoint and low voltage warning to
be in tune with LiFe battery as Bud mentioned. 
As far as your problem, if I wanted to keep the Ducati regulator (for a while 
check the fast on connectors. For a while Rotax was not supplying the best
Fast-Ons. If you begin to get a bad connection a lot of heat will build up
at that connection due to high resistance. You can buy a B&C AVC1 field kit that
includes phosphor bronze fast ons.:
Change at minimum the two yellow AC connections. Clean all blades on regulator,
slight bend all fast ons to give a little more tension. I put on a dab of CRC
2-26 for good measures with a make up cotton applicator:
BTW these work great for precision application of grease like on wing lift pins
and sockets etc.
AFC-50 could be used.
Depending on your battery, you can increase voltage set-point. If you put a 
in series with the sense wire, it will raise voltage. For AGM 14.2 or so or
with LiFe you could go a tad higher. Start with 1 diode in series, you could
add two in series. I must mention I haven't tried it, but was planning on it if
I used Ducati. A regular diode has a higher voltage drop compared with a 
If one wasn't enough and two in series was too much, I was planning on tying
one regular and one schottky.

Chances are B&C AVC1 is a little more efficient compared to Ducati, but best as
Bud mentioned keep either cool.

I have mine living in a box on top of the starboard footwell with ambient air 
fed from the top of the 914 air cleaner NACA plenum. I have an electric fan
to keep box reasonably cool after shut down or during taxi.
Good luck.
Ron P.

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