B&C has dimensions on their website to check your particular aircraft bolt
Bud Yerly
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From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com <owner-europa-list-server@matr
onics.com> on behalf of William Daniell <wdaniell.longport@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, May 3, 2021 7:46:26 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Europa-List: Charge warning light
So the bottom line is the symptoms suggest that my VR is failing?
Is the bandc unit a straight drop in?
William Daniell
+1 786 878 0246
On Sun, May 2, 2021, 19:00 Bud Yerly <budyerly@msn.com<mailto:budyerly@msn.
com>> wrote:
This is the common failure of an older voltage regulator:
Most older tech regulator/rectifiers use a small incandescent lamp in the c
harge circuit warning.
If the regulator and battery are putting out the same voltage, the lamp is
out (12 volts on either side of the lamp).
If the regulator or one of the rectifier diodes begins to die, the voltage
difference begins to be different so the lamp glows faintly.
If the regulator or the rectifier dies completely the warning light does no
t illuminate as the warning light circuit depends on regulator output circu
itry. Your first indication is the battery low warning goes on or your vol
t meter starts to sag.
Note: VRs are temperature sensitive. Try to keep them below 50C (130F) an
d if saturated at 70C (150F) or better, let them cool. This is a problem o
n a quick refuel and takeoff in the Florida summers with high amp needs on
top of the temperature. Heat is the killer of regulators.
Other Regulators to consider:
Nobody likes Ducati but they work if the amps are kept low and the temps ar
e reasonable (mine lasted 10+ years). Modest price at $150-170 USD.
In the US, Silent Hectic is harder to get except from a European partner/co
hort. Works well. $250ish USD typically.
Since we have a dynamo like Deutz and Kubota tractors, some have used their
regulators. Cheap, $20-$50. Hi amp users may find a high failure rate.
Problems are with temperature as these tend to be flimsy units but rugged f
or tractor use.
Note: Jabiru uses a Kubota.
B&C builds a very nice regulator for the Rotax. Has LED output and a prope
r warning system separate from the regulator circuit. Even overvoltage pro
tection is built in. Works well with GRT, Dynon and Garmin systems. Van
=92s uses them on their RV12s and others are moving that way due to the hig
h number of Dynon and Garmin users. It puts out 14.5 volts and is adjustab
le as is the low voltage warning which really helps gel cell and Lithium Io
n battery users unlike the cheaper options. It is a step above what we are
used to. The operational under hood heat max is in line with the others.
Cost is $300ish.
I=92ve attached a word doc I just researched last month when my Ducati VR w
ent out on 12AY just prior to Sun =91n Fun.
I=92ve got my spare Ducati on now but will go to the B&C to check it out th
is summer after I consider a ducting change to my firewall. I keep my TCU
on the footwell and need to do some temperature checks under the hood to de
termine if I put my VR next to my TCU under the footwell cover. This cover
has a built in fan and ducting with a timer to keep the TCU cool. I figur
e, why not cool the VR along with it. I just have to see how hot the VR ge
ts putting out power. The TCU never gets warm from operation.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com<mailto:owner-europa-list-serve
r@matronics.com> <owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com<mailto:owner-europ
a-list-server@matronics.com>> On Behalf Of William Daniell
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2021 4:46 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Charge warning light
I have standard z 16
I have a charge warning light and a Dynon efis and ems
This morning the charge light stayed on for about 5 mins albeit glowing not
lit. Normally it goes out within 1 min. The dynon said 13.8v and 6 amp
s from start up and my battery charging amps were normal also.
Does this mean anything apart from some kind of fault with the light? For
example do these symptoms mean that my regulator about to give up?
William Daniell
+1 786 878 0246