Well I for one like being the fly on the wall to people=99s conversati
ons. Working months with Bud taught me a lot in the way of approaching a pro
blem. But I still learn from other=99s conversations. You never know w
hat you don=99t know until you know it.
Mike Duane
N377EA Europa XS conventional gear
Jabiru 3300 powered
Chandler, Arizona
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 14, 2021, at 4:49 PM, Bud Yerly <budyerly@msn.com> wrote:
> =EF=BB
> Oh, knock it off guys.
> Everyone has opinions, likes, wants and prejudices. My feelings don
=99t get hurt and neither should anyone else=99s. However, as in kind
ergarten, I was taught to stay in line, be nice, keep your hands to yourself
and wait your turn until it is your turn.
> I, like some others, just aren=99t always good at it. We may have s
trayed from the teaching of our past and one must try to get what he/she/per
son/comrade wants or needs, and we don=99t want to get it without offe
nding or misleading someone.
> Opinions/wants/prejudices are like butt holes, everyone has one, just keep
it clean and don=99t abuse anyone else=99s. Techniques are jus
t that, someone=99s technique, not a procedure. Let=99s keep be
ing cheerleaders for one another. Criticizing should be constructive and ta
ken without offense. Persistently pursue the optimum aircraft for you, and a
ll the 20,000 compromises one makes building an aircraft, not persistently p
ress your opinions on to others as the only way.
> I try to speak my piece, and Griffo and I should have gone off line as we (
well I) wandered around the plumbing issues of the Europa just clogging up t
he forum. My apologies for dragging it out.
> Best Regards,
> Bud Yerly
> From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com <owner-europa-list-server@mat
ronics.com> On Behalf Of William Daniell
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 5:47 PM
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Water Drain
> Bud is enormously helpful to all of us and very generous with his time and
I very much respect his advice. He is the most experienced among us having
built many aircraft and guided many builders through the process, myself in
cluded. Without the encouragement of the forum and especially Bud I would n
ot have achieved my wonderful aircraft.
> Will
> William Daniell
> +1 786 878 0246
> On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 2:31 PM Griffo <scangriffin@bigpond.com.au> wrote:
> Hi Kelv/Peter Z,
> My apologies for any offence taken - certainly not intended.
> >=46rom my point of view, the saying, should be read as - ideas can be pu
t forward with the best of intentions/experience but not necessarily receive
d/adopted as the need/will to do so is not apparent.
> Bear in mind, that my suggestion has also been likened unto a lawn mower f
itting - put down? - possibly.
> --------
> 46
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