Hi Chris, its a hoot indeed! almost as much fun as my hummelbird :-)
This vid is with 15knots xwind from the left, gusty day, with tree rotors.
Fun stuff. This is with about 100hrs on a mono.
On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 9:34 AM n7188u <chmgarb@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the advice guys. Question to the last poster: Have you found
> limitations related to cross country flying because of wind conditions with
> the standard mono? Not referring to those extremes when you have 20 knots
> direct crosswind.
> David, I am going to reply to Bud's message on my vents posting but in a
> nutshell: I am doing fantastic in low wind conditions. I can be so precise
> as to feel the tailwheel just skipping of the ground with the main still in
> the air. It's really neat and fun. It's when it gets bumpy that my
> precision goes out the door but yesterday I went out to practice with
> almost 10 knots of xwind (it gets bumpy in our field because of trees) and
> I did fine but was not holding the nose high enough. One go around out of
> four approaches. Getting there.
> Just trying to asses the true capabilities of the mono as a dependable
> xcountry machine. But not giving up on my pretty mono yet!!
> Chris
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=502082#502082