Le 14/09/2021 23:53, Mallard a crit:
> anyone had the experience of balancing the carbs on a Rotax 912 type
> engine and after a couple of hours of smooth running across all revs
> you suddenly get rough running at 3500 rpm. If you experienced a
> similar situation, how did you deal with it? I'd also be interested to
> hear from any 914 owners on the forum who have had the above 'Carb
> Balancing' problems & what was done to keep the Carbs Balanced? /
Hi all,
Here is some info concerning our 914 UL and some other engines.
We never had any carb synch issues, but
1) We never disconnected the cables from the throttle levers.
2) We have a mechanical stop on the throttle lever so as to never exert
any force to the carb lever stops. It is our experience that many
buddies and hangar mates complaining about carb losing synch invariably
happen to not have a stop on the lever, and so are likely to distort the
carb lever stops.
Summarized some info here : http://contrails.free.fr/engine_rotax_stops.php
Among the carb issues we heard of, are the change in float bowl gasket
thickness. An engine rough running was driving a buddy mechanic mad,
until we discussed carb gaskets, and it appeared that some Rotax
dealer-supplied gaskets were too thin, raising the bottom of the bowl
too close to the main jet and impairing the flow into the main jet.
Best regards