Measurement of your binding is easy.
Simply retract the flap in stages until the tube forces the flap outboard.
Continue until the flap is forced out to contact. If it is in the last few
of flap travel and it is in hard contact, you will need to pull the flap
bearing out of the flap tube.
Heat will debond the Loctite 638. To protect yourself and finish:
Pull the wings.
Flaps down.
Protect the fuselage with some aluminum foil.
Put a wet rag around the flap tube about 4 inches back.
Pull out your soldering iron or a small propane torch and heat the bearing and
tube end a couple hundred degrees. Not red hot, just enough to sizzle water
is enough...
You can't hurt the metal parts.
Expect the paint to be damaged. (That is what touch-up paint is for.)
Use a long tapered drift or similar to insert in the bearing and begin a
binding motion to torque the bearing out slightly. I am fairly aggressive
about moving the drift fore, aft, and up and down. The bearing is tough, it can
take it. I use an old chisel or screw driver once the bearing starts to move
to pry it a bit as customers get squeamish about applying force on their
but it has to be done...
Once the bearing begins moving it will come out.
Use a small square to check your tube end squareness. With the bearing out you
have more room between the flap closeout and tube.
Install the wings and retract the flaps. Check for slop. This is fairly tough
for most to see, but simply make a tool out of either thin scrap metal or .041
safety wire if you don't have a small hook. Place the hook in the slot and
check in and out clearance with the flaps up. Be creative, you will be
how a piece of stiff safety wire will achieve your measurement goal.
If the flaps go up and down without binding without the bearing, then measure
much the flap moves in to hit the tube end. Compare to the bearing surface
that protrudes and pull the wings and mark the tube.
Decide how much to trim by any method above. If it is an 1/8 of an inch, start
with a 1/16 trim.
If the flap is binding at the outer wing close out simply measure by how much if
you can.
If the tube end is square, use a compass and sharp pen to mark the tube the
I use a 40 grit sanding disk on my 90 degree die grinder to make fast work of
shortening. Check your grind is square with your 90 degree square.
Clean out the swarf and old Loctite from the tube.
Reassemble and test and trim. Please ensure your flaps will not disengage when
full down and you pull with great force outboard IAW the Safety bulletin.
Reinstall and Loctite, paint and go fly.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
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