Hi Marcel I'm sure others will chime in, but here's some info from someone not
yet flying XS Mono with 914: If you didn't already do so, read Bud's excellent
Cooling 101 on Club Website. Let's start at the radiator intake: Did you smooth
out just inside cowl? Foam and glass is what we did. As far as radiator duct,
it needs to be sealed really well. We used Mcfarland Cowl Saver Baffle seal
which has a Teflon coating on opne side, you can score it to allow for better
bending. You can score both X and Y for compound curves. We needed to glass
contact surface in a number of areas to get good sealing. We used Silicone
foam to seal radiators to duct and radiator to bottom cowl. We sealed the oil
lines to the radiator duct by installing 2 layers for firesleeve. We have a
cowl flap that completely closes and opens with bottom at a 30 degree angle
down from cowl in down position. We have the radiator duct sealing really
well to cowl on their 3 sides.
Good Luck
Ron P.
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