Great reply Bud. Very detailed as always.
I will create a checklist and go through the checkpoints you outline. A few
based on preliminary reading of your message but first one question:
What do you mean by "should be able to read the serial number at idle and fuzzy
up to 4000. After 4000 the uncowled engine is hard to read."
1.- I have zero insulation inside. No carpet, nothing on the firewall, noting on
the sides. Airplane not painted but quite slippery based on high cruise speeds
(130-140 knts). Airplane is indeed noisy at my high cruise speeds.
2.- I don't have the intake plenum on the engine. Just good old fashion cone K&N
filters. I did that to keep the airplane light on the nose. I was planning to
install the plenum after flying the airplane a little but the performance is
so spectacular as it is I decided to leave it alone. I do know that intake noise
can be high in the two stroke Rotaxes.
3.- Engine feels silky smooth at the ground when doing runup at 4000 RPM.
4.- Prop not static balanced since the dynamic balance (with spinner) is almost
dead on. Tweaked it to made it better though.
5.- My spinner is off according to what people tell me. Have not fixed that but
it is a light DUC CF one.
6.- Checked blade pitch with a laser tool I made. Will check track though.
7.- I do have a buzzing tach needle and my "used" altimeter wobbles up and down
around 100'.
8.- The muffler used to touch the top of the cooling tunnel but fixed that. No
evidence of interference.
9.- My IAS at low altitude is always at 130-140 knts or so yes that can make it
noisy (CAS is a little lower than that)
My engine: Pulled out of a school CTLS because it reached TBO. Rebuilt (not
but completely torn apart) by an iRMT Repair Center in Canada. The owner
is an iRMT instructor. Confirmed with Rob Seaton at Rotech that the place is
legit before buying the engine. No modifications. All stock. New CKT muffler.
I did have a few issues with the engine (needed new ignition module and had
to do some work on the carbs). But it is running good and strong.
Best Regards,
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