Hi Tim,
My sentiments as well.
912S? Very Encouraging data, but makes me wonder why mine have cracked. Eng
ine is running smoothly, and prop dynamically balanced.
(In Canuckstan)
> On Nov 18, 2021, at 1:04 PM, timward <ward.t@xtra.co.nz> wrote:
> =EF=BBI have always been perplexed by the need for springs on the origi
nal Europa Classic exhaust system. Due to the design the exhaust can neither
move forward or aft nor up or down. Number one and two cylinder pipes count
eract the up and down, and the number three and four cylinder pipes countera
ct the forward and aft.
> I have had no problems with my system for the last 20 years and 900hrs. Th
e springs remain in place but to me, they are useless.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> Sent from my iPad
> Tim Ward
> 12 Waiwetu Street,
> Fendalton,
> Christchurch, 8052
> New Zealand.
> ward.t@xtra.co.nz
> 021 0640221
>>> On 19/11/2021, at 6:42 AM, Pete <peterz@zutrasoft.com> wrote:
>> =EF=BB
>> Thx Bud etal,
>> Nuther question: I=99m repairing my second cracked clean off exhau
st flange. :(. Im surprised the heavy classic muffler is not suspended from t
he engine-side frame. Anyone else see these failures?
>> Cheers and thx!
>> PeteZ
>>>> On Nov 18, 2021, at 11:31 AM, Bud Yerly <budyerly@msn.com> wrote:
>>> =EF=BB
>>> Look to motorcycle supply sources or shops. The Classic and XS exhaust i
s prone to exhaust spring resonance fatigue, corrosion, weakening and failur
>>> Buy quality stainless springs that will pull about 1/2", put a 1/4" bead
of high temp silicone to dampen vibration, run a .040 safety wire loop just
snug to retain pieces and prevent components from failing to seal and also t
o prevent damage and dropped objects.
>>> See my troubleshooting guide.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Bud Yerly
>>> Get Outlook for Android
>>> From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com <owner-europa-list-server@m
atronics.com> on behalf of Pete <peterz@zutrasoft.com>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 3:49:28 PM
>>> To: europa-list <europa-list@matronics.com>
>>> Subject: Europa-List: Exhaust springs source?
>>> My fine classic was missing one of its exhaust springs, and ive been hav
ing a hard time sourcing (been using regular springs as a stop gap).
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thx!
>>> Pic is what i=99m looking for.
>>> <image0.jpeg>