I was recently bemoaning the lack of Fly-Ins or DOTHs this year, so on the
basis of put up or shut up, I am declaring a DOTH at Wolverhampton (Halfpenny
Green) Airport EGBO on Wednesday 15th December 2021.
This airport is centrally located, with a great caf, and two runways (04/22 &
The weather looks promising so far for Wednesday, so lets try and get together
for a pre-Christmas lunch around 12 Noon.
Please be aware of Covid restrictions, and wear masks (except when eating), and
call the Airport for PPR on 01384 221378 or email atc@wolverhamptonairport.co.uk
The Landing Fee is 14.00 but for those of us who are members of the Flyer Club,
there is a free landing voucher in the December edition of Flyer Magazine.
I hope as many as possible can make it on Wednesday.
Bob Dawson
Europa XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ || Dynon Skyview || PilotAware || SmartAss3
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