Hey Rob,
If youd like to get together, Id love to come over and see your build. Im pretty
sure this Thursday is the only day I have anything planned. So just let me know
and Ill work it in.
Mike Duane
Chandler, AZ
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 14, 2021, at 11:40 AM, Robert Piskorski <rv9a2000@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the invite and the video. It was a great pleasure to meet you
all and it definitely inspired me on my refurbishing attempts. Since that
I have done more work on my Europa in the last week then in the last year.
> Although, I have discovered more major new issues (major to me) that I did not
plan for, I still feel confident that my Europa will be back in the air by Oct
of next year.
> Regardless of my progress, I welcome and will attend any local events that may
come up so I can keep my motivation going. And once my Europa is done, my plan
is to attend more events that are not so local.
> Once again, thank you for all of your hospitality and great technical input.
Hope to talk to and see you all soon again.
> Rob
>> On Dec 14, 2021, at 9:53 AM, danbish99 <bdanbish@gmail.com> wrote:
>> December 4th was the first flight of Jack McKenzie's awesome tri-gear,
>> N523WS.
The following day we gathered with two other Europas, Erich Trombley flew his
monowheel from Las Vegas, NV and Mike Duane flew his conventional gear from
Chandler, AZ, followed by a terrific dinner hosted by Jack & Alice McKenzie at
their home in Green Valley, AZ just south of Tucson.
>> I put together a video of the event you may have seen already on the Facebook
page - you can view it here at https://youtu.be/OiWx4lo8EIs
>> We plan to make this an annual event, probably sometime around mid-October,
so if you're interested in attending, let me or Jim Butcher know.
>> Best,
>> Dan
>> Dan Bish
>> bdanbish@gmail.com
>> Building XS 914 Monowheel
>> Tucson, Arizona USA
>> Read this topic online here:
>> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=505259#505259