Europa uses AN screws and bolts for the most part except in areas where the
engine fitting or mount is either Metric or SAE. It's important to get
knowledgeable on hardware and have spares.
Counter sunk screws differ. Most hardware store are 90 degree so they protrude
and fit poorly causing cracks eventually. AN hardware countersunk is 118
for a flatter finish and it fits the Tinnerman washer precisely.
Note: Buy a 118 degree Permagrit countersink for use on the aircraft. If you
a second hand owner, and are clueless of how the builder built the aircraft
due to poor documentation, you only have the build manual to go by, so reading
and study is essential.
For your Europa supplied screws they are (#10 which is 3/16 inch and is known as
10-32). I use AN507 which is also known as MS24693 MACHINE SCREWS (AN507 in
stainless steel). I use 1/2 for around the sides (MS24693-C272), 5/8 for the
top cowl circumference, and down the side side of the lower cowl and 3/4 to 1
inch for the very bottom of the lower cowl depending on your particular nutplate
installation. Available at Aircraft Spruce and other aircraft supply houses.
Make a list. Everything that goes on or off will eventually need to be replaced
or wear out. My method is attached for logging my expendables. As for my
list, I have trays full of every screw I have used during the build
of the aircraft. I make sure I have a few spares of all the cowl screws,
wheel pant, and access panels I use on my aircraft in a tool bag. My website
has my tool bag contents in the techniques section and many are on the Europa
Club Website.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
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