So I continued the tweaking and test flying of the new engine and I think at
point everything is working well, including the MGL EMS-1.
Since now the workload has gone down a little, I have been taking care of a few
things that needed to be completed:
1.- Although I have an AV-30 and plenty of GPSs I thought that the nice Sirs
I got with the kit could not go to waste and installed it. Kind of compliments
my old fashioned looking round gage panel :)
2.- Since I intend to fly this airplane from grass often, I installed the gear
down latch spring modification. Tested it yesterday and it works nice. Much
than the latch with no spring.
3.- My doors were already built and didn't have the door latch guards. Although
it was OK while I flew alone, now that I intend to go touring with my wife more
often I am now working on bonding a couple of guards.
Other things in my list are finally installing carpets, control column boots,
speed kit I got with the kit (mono) and I would really like to do the cockpit
widening mod since I have the kit and it is really annoying to have to lead
sideways to not have your arm resting against the narrow door sill all the time.
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