Here goes another of my silly questions:
I spend quite a bit of time designing my seat cushions (as always, I overthink
some things and spent quite a bit of time trying to create the perfect seat).
Despite the effort the result is not quite optimal. After half and hour in my
seats, my tailbone starts to kill me.
I attach an image of my seat cushions. The only difference between this image
the final product is that I didn't use the top layer of pink (soft) memory
foam. I only have 1 inch of hard (green) and 1 inch of medium (blue) foam. The
yellow stuff is regular PU foam).
The angles are all based on white papers (the best one being:
that go deep into the design of ideal vehicle seats.
My suspicion is that I need more thigh support (because the high feet position
and short distance to the pedals forces the thigs up and away from the seat)
the theory is that thigh pressure should be minimal as it causes discomfort
and it is best to concentrate most of the weight on the tip bones at the
buttocks (ischial tuberosities for those inclined to use fancy names :) ).
I will experiment with a little more thigh support but wondered what experiences
people out there had with the Europa cushion design.
One of my biggest questions has to do with the seatback design. As you an see
the picture, mine tries to provide reasonable back angle, but that also reduces
the distance to the pedals, causing the thighs to move up.
The good news is that I haven't covered the seats yet. Just modified some
covers to protect the foam for now.
Best Regards,
Read this topic online here: