=EF=BBHello all,
Well, I am get close to finishing my panel upgrade. Center stack is finishe
d which now includes the relocated constant speed controller and the IFR nav
The Garmin GPS175 is working nicely, communicating with both my Dynon Skyvie
w 10=9D display and the recently installed Garmin G5. The G5 serves as
a backup to the Dynon.
I was initially concerned that the three boxes wouldn=99t play well to
gether as different ARINC 429 setting are specified for each piece of equipm
ent. For ARINC to function properly the transmitting device can have only o
ne protocol set which must be acceptable to the receiving units.
Fortunately, after discussions with Dynon support and testing the G5 on a fr
iend=99s plane I was able to confirm they units could in fact be confi
gured to work properly. Essentially, the Dynon needed to be set to =9C
low speed=9D for data as that is the only speed the G5 can accept. Th
e G5 on the other hand was set to accept GAMA 3 data which the Dynon require
s in order to graphically display flight plans, holds, procedure turns, etc.
The additional data set contained in GAMA 3 (vs GAMA 1) is extraneous to t
he G5 as it does not have the capability to display the information and appa
rently disregards it.
Now, to finish the main panel and put the rest of the plane back together.
Classic Mono 914