Had a "boy's own" adventure last week flying from Omaka (top of the South
Island) to Wairoa (east coast of North Island) 2.2 hrs.
Conditions were perfect for such a flight with most of the North Island leg
flown VFR on top of a broken 3500 foot cloud base at a ground speed of 140
- 150 kts due to the Southerly tail wind.
Transiting through the Napier Class D airspace was straight forward with no
major diversions being required. Near Lake Titira an amendment to the
clearance was required to allow a descent through the closing cloud gaps to
continue the remaining flight at 3500' below the base. A nice landing on the
sealed 1370 meter Wairoa airstrip followed. After a Cafe" lunch and
encounter in town I continued on to Gisbourne where the Airfield is famous
for having a rail line crossing the main vector on its southern side. No
problems there with trains or planes with ZKMEE being accommodated on the
grass GA parking area next to the commercial apron.
The next day it was back in the air to reverse the track through the Napier
airspace to the small country Town of Dannevirke. Dannevirke has a generous
grass airstrip of 1200 meters in length and friendly company at the
aeroclub. For this trip I carried a fold up electric bike which I have found
very handy getting from airfields into town. After another overnight stay I
continued the return flight back to Omaka this time to building North
Westerly pre frontal conditions (rough!) via Wellingtons Hutt Valley and
Paekakariki and then VFR flight following across Cook Straight back to my
home airstrip an Omaka.
Ian McClelland
New Zealand