And back to the port subject:
This week I installed and connected an old Garmin Aera 500 I have.
Why you may ask.
I live in a very busy airspace and have noticed that lately people are trying
hard to collide with me in the air. A few weeks back I almost had a P-51 hit
me from behind in the traffic pattern! (I fly from a VERY busy uncontrolled
So I was wondering why my Garmin GDL39 with Garmin Pilot was not providing aural
alerts even though it would highlight the traffic on the screen. I tried hard
but at the end concluded that technology sometimes sucks and it was just too
much effort, end settings and ETC to make this buggy software work. And then
I remembered how simple and amazing the older Aera 500 algorithms worked when
it came to traffic and obstacle alerts.
So I wired my Aera to airplane power, the GDL39 and to the audio system. Works
like a charm (the only probelm is that my PM3000 intercom is an older model and
doesn't have additional audio inputs so I have to use the entertainment input,
which is less than ideal, but it works.
The bad news is that my tablet has now lost it's place in the panel and is
to being a knee device. Oh well, can't have everything.
Tomorrow we have a flyi-in breakfast in Central Florida so will get to continue
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