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Europa-List: Re: Which primer ?

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Which primer ?
From: <>
Date: Mon, 9 May 2022 19:30:40

I whole heartedly agree.

Buy a paint system (primer and paint per the manufacturer), read what we all 
done.  The fill process is put on too much and sand it all off.  

I wrote on what I use and is on the Website, but the key is good equipment and
paint.  I personally don't like polyester fillers directly on epoxy, but if you
prime bare epoxy first then put polyester filler over the primer, it works just
fine and is faster than expand cell and epoxy.  Although expand cell/epoxy
is a great filler and flexible, cure time is a pain. Getting it consistent is
also an issue that high grade polyester or vinyl ester fillers don't have.  
why professionals use these off the shelf fillers, they are faster and more

Epoxy primer sticks to etching and lacquer primers and fillers extremely well.
A good two part polyurethane top coat made for aircraft is preferred over any
car paint for super long lasting shine.  

Good materials cost more, but frankly, the tech support is great if you have an
issue, they can walk you through painting in imperfect conditions.  Do not skimp
on safety gear.  Don't breath in polyurethane paint get a forced air system.

Equipment makes a difference.  Good sanding blocks, time and patience makes the
difference on prep.  A smooth filler sanding makes for a good looking job.  Any
sanding scratch or pin hole will show through nearly all filler primers.  
Good primers sanded out properly allow you to take care of pin holes, and makes
the top coat finish gratifying.  It is all about the prep.  

Best Regards,
Bud Yerly

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