Chris thanks
yea... I have googled it and I saw an article by a glasair builder. He
tried with AVGAS and the composite was fine after a year....with ethanol it
was already soft after a week!
Ill give these guys a ring...
I am guessing that the aluminium will be heavier and smaller (more
difficult to include all the complex curves). I have emailed Europa in the
UK so we'll see if they respond.
William Daniell
+1 786 878 0246
On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 5:26 PM n7188u <> wrote:
> You bring up a good point Will. However, I would think that this day and
> age you can get epoxy that will resist gasoline. FG tanks are not uncommon
> in the boating world.
> I did find this:
> However, what a PITA to have to research all this and run the risk of it
> not working (and the danger of the tank falling apart and clogging the fuel
> system). Aluminum would certainly be safer but $$$ and possibly heavier.
> let us know what you end up doing.
> Chris
> Read this topic online here: