I would suggest a flap disc on an angle grinder. The coarseness of the flap disc
subject to test but Id try medium to start.
Before I fitted my windows, I used this method to remove existing gelcoat in
to get maximum depth rebate for the window. I approached the job thinking
it would take several hours but much to my surprise it was done in no time.
I found the flap disc easy to control.
Good luck mate
Sent from my iPhone
> On 6 Aug 2022, at 11:56 am, Fred Klein <> wrote:
> Gents,
> Among the tasks I face ahead is to replace my shattered starboard door/window.
> Using a heat gun, I have successfully removed the shards with heat sufficient
to soften the acrylic and break its bond with the Redux but without making the
slightest impression in the Redux itselfit remains as a smooth film which is
bonded to the recess in the door/window frame.
> I would like to remove the existing Redux in order to have the full depth of
the frame recess available for a fresh bed of Redux when I install the new
> Would anyone have a recommendation on the best way to remove the existing
> Redux?
> thanks,
> Fred
> A-194