Hi Fred, from experience i would invest in a mini belt sander and practice on
timber until you get the hang of it using one of your hand positions to maintain
position and pressure and the other to move the tool in a linear direction
(invest in a mid range unit, the bearings are better quality). Depending on
how much material you are wanting to remove the belts are available from 80grit
down to 800grit... 80grit will tear through panel steel and welds without
batting an eyelid... for softer materials like composites 240g to 400g belts
probably be sufficient; if you want a real smooth surface with bonding strength
you could finish to 800g... start with the lower grit numbers and really
get a good handle on technique; you won't need very much pressure and be aware
the belt can sometimes pull into the surface if your attention is distracted,
regulate your speed, start slow and as you get more confident you can open up
the trigger a bit more. Old surfboard would be good to practice on... And make
sure to use a good 3M cartridge respirator.
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