My money would be on the oil seals at the valves, however, There is
always the possibility, though remote, of a cracked head. Easiest way
to narrow it down is to remove the exhaust down pipes and have a peek
inside. If you've got oil going through one cylinder, you should be
able to verify it by looking. If all pipes show evidence of oil, then
it's probably seals. Just a thought.
N55XS - Baby Blue
On 8/16/2022 8:13 AM, JonathanMilbank wrote:
> My 912ULS was bought 2nd hand after being stripped and rebuilt, following an
accident in a foreign airframe. I have no record of how long it operated since
new and my logbook starts at 220 hours, continuing from early 2014 and the
8.5 years until now to log another 470 hours.
> However I've become aware of gradually increasing oil consumption in the
> latter
years up until now, when I'm using 1.5 litres per 50 hours. As I recall,
the consumption was less than 0.5 litre. There is a brown stain emanating
---From the exhaust and continuing under the port wing along the rear fuselage.
> The most plausible explanation so far is that the valve stem oil seals have
> stiffened
with age and should be replaced. This is something which I potentially
could do, having previously removed a cylinder head and lapped the valves,
in fully restored compression for over 150 hours. All 4 cylinders are
within 3 psi of each other to this day and the engine performs as well as ever.
> There are no other oil leaks from the engine and the breather collection pot
barely fills at all. The spark plugs show no signs of oiliness. But I'm
that I might eventually remove all 4 heads and give them to an expert
for a proper refurbishment, once it reaches a point where I don't want to see
the brown streak on the port side any longer.
> So to the point of this email. I definitely have no intention of removing the
cylinders and pistons to check oil rings. Why? Because to the best of my
the Rotax 912 engines are very high quality, to the extent that I've never
read nor heard of cylinders, pistons and rings being badly worn with barely
700 hours of operation. I'm very willing to "take the chance" that only the
heads need refurbishment. So unless I see scoring of a cylinder wall after
head removal, I'll "let sleeping dogs lie." No honing, etc.
> If I'm wrong and the head refurbishment isn't enough to cure the oil problem,
then it won't be too awful to remove everything and start again.
> My question is whether anyone knows of excessive cylinder, piston or ring wear
in an engine with only 700 hours, not due to human error like using the wrong
oil or losing coolant, or anything that contradicts my faith in Rotax.
> Read this topic online here: