912s? What brand and heat range iridiums have you used?
> On Aug 22, 2022, at 1:19 AM, Area-51 <goldsteinindustrial@gmail.com> wrote:
> Finished current service session and carried out post quality assurance checks
this morning on the 912... "Amazing" is the word; engine runs on the iridium
spark plugs like its fuel injected now, unbelievably smooth and has got to be
the smoothest 912 i've experienced so far; mag drop check is identical at 50rpm;
startup is instant with zero vibration through entire rpm range right down
to 1100rpm. Wouldn't surprise me if remaining final O2 sensor mixture tuning
session requires no further adjustment. Can't wait to give it a fly tomorrow
> Break Break:
> James the oil weeping was identified at two of the M6 oil pump bolts; so They
were removed individually and permatex grey applied to the bolt shanks and
and re-torqued. Both valve covers on the right bank were also weeping,
so removed, checked for any screw driver damage to parting lines, degreased both
cover and o'rings with shellite then refitted with a light smear of permatex
grey at the o'rings then refitted M6 bolts and re-torqued. (Note that whenever
using sealants, especially silicon, on oil-side engine components to never
apply excessive amounts as dags have been known to break off and block fine oil
galleries and cause premature component/bearing failure).
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=507735#507735
> Attachments:
> http://forums.matronics.com//files/c718d874_725d_4787_83be_882d0c0988ba_116.jpeg