Had a magnificent fly over to the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealan
d. =46rom Rangiora to Arthur=99s Pass to have a look at Mt Rolleston w
hich my passenger and climbing colleague was photographing, for a potential c
limb soon. Rather he then me!
Plenty of snow. Then over Lake Bruner to Greymouth to see a friend at the Ag
ricultural Show held at the airport. Return via Harper Pass to Rangiora low l
Return flight Avplan log below.
Cheers, Tim
Sent from my iPad
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand.
021 0640221
> On 17/10/2022, at 11:24 AM, Area-51 <goldsteinindustrial@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dodged the thermals and puffy white clouds to zip over to Casino with some
other home field flyers for a cup of tea! Then zipped back out off 28 with a
7kt xwind and 1600fpm climb out under the puffy now turning dark grey cloud
s and bumpy air to land with a 10kt downwind on 23 to avoid thermal turbulen
ce on approach to 05. Starting to feel more confident flying the europa on a
nd off bitumen in less than perfect conditions. Feeling much more connected t
o the aircraft after recent sessions in the Pitts-2SA
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=508093#508093
> Attachments:
> http://forums.matronics.com//files/a7ec7ff0_cde9_4db6_9f9e_ffc1e6aed098_16