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Europa-List: Re: size of aircraft data plate

Subject: Europa-List: Re: size of aircraft data plate
From: BobD <>
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2022 03:11:22


The attached example (from another aircraft I built and sold recently) is 60mm
x 30mm.  I located it on the Control Panel in a prominent position (which helped
me remember the correct call sign when making radio calls !). It is made from
steel, and cost less than 12.00. It came from

I believe it satisfies the requirements of CAP 523

The reason I still have this is that I was unsatisfied with the colouring of the
letters. They replaced it without any problem.

Bob Dawson
Europa XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ || Dynon Skyview || PilotAware || SmartAss3

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