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Europa-List: Trutrak AP with Garmin GPS 18x 5Hz

Subject: Europa-List: Trutrak AP with Garmin GPS 18x 5Hz
From: Davidcripps <>
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2022 09:06:46

I have a pre-used Digitrak Trutrak AP that I plan to fit to our Europa. Are 
any experts out there that can tell me whether the Garmin GPS 18x 5Hz puck
that I have been offered, will work as a feed to it? As far as I can understand
---From the various manuals, the Trutrak can only be set up to 9600 baud, 
the default baud in the 18x 5Hz is 19200. It seems possible to reprogram the
18x 5Hz to 9600 baud but the process looks very complicated for those of us
not used to Garmin code (and who also don't have a PC with serial port!)! 
are there any simpler 'plug and play' GPS 'pucks' that have been found
to work well with the Trutrak? Thanks!

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