Hi Arwel, your assumptions on the need for a generous cockpit exit air vent are
are bang on correct. I did just this on my aircraft and put a 120mm dia 12v
computer fan behind the panel as well to force airflow when the aircraft is
with the doors closed. My inspector signed this off as a Trivial MOD
that was then declared to the LAA (a pic attached). I made sure a CO monitor
was in the cockpit at the same time.
On incomer/directional air vents, are you aware of MOD12871? Mike Wilde fitted
rotary vents of the type that are now made by Trevor Poulter into his sidewall
(at build, NOT replacing the factory NACA vents) which you can perhaps do as
a repeat MOD - suggest you check with Andy Draper first [you are in the UK?]
Hope it helps
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