My thoughts about altering the retraction geometry; If Ive got it right, your
proposal is to move the bottom pivot (the LG8 pin) forward a bit, albeit on an
arc. My uneducated opinion is that may well reduce the amount of over-centre
of the down-lock geometry to a critically small amount that could lead to the
undercarriage unlocking and collapsing. The amount of over-centre is quite
small anyway; the centre pivot should be 1/16 to 1/8 forward of a line between
the top & bottom pivots. If its less than 1/16the over-centre lock will be
dangerously weak and at risk of unlocking whereas if its any more than 1/8 too
much load will be put on the frame, running the risk of frame damage. IMHO
the original design was developed for very good reasons and does not need
around with! If its built correctly and if its then maintained correctly
it should not fail.
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