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Europa-List: What did you do with your europa this week - 12/12/22

Subject: Europa-List: What did you do with your europa this week - 12/12/22
From: Area-51 <>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2022 00:33:55

Did what is supposed to be done with a europa; got in it and flew the thing...
flew it three days out of seven and enjoyed every minute of the near perfect 
this week for a fly up and down the coast and around the caldera.

Also was fortunate enough to get a ride in another well built europa that turned
up while drinking a cup of tea, and enjoyed that too!

What's next??? .... Fly it again!!!

Such joy...

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  • Europa-List: What did you do with your europa this week - 12/12/22, Area-51 <=