I would not use ACF-50 as a conductor for the following reason. I also fly
a Trike with a Rotax 582 & a couple of years ago I removed the starter moto
r to check the wear on the brushes. The starter housing (which is the negat
ive connection) is mounted externally on the side of the engine using 2 lar
ge Allen Key headed bolts. As I've been using ACF-50 (bought in 4 Litres) f
or approx 10 years I always use it on nuts & bolts especially when I'm refi
tting them. On this occasion I dipped my 2 starter mounting bolts in the AC
F-50 & duly screwed them in until hand tight & then fully tighten them with
the Allen Key tool. I did an engine test start & run & all was perfect. A
week or 2 later I had to fly to my Inspector's airfield for the aircraft's
Annual Inspection. I started my Trike, took off, flew the 1.5hr trip, lande
d & shut down the engine. After the Inspection process was completed, I tri
ed to start my engine for the homeward flight but the prop wouldn't even tr
y to turn & neither would it with the assistance of battery jump leads from
a running car engine! We eventually got the engine going by hand turning t
he prop. On the homeward journey I dropped into a friend's airfield for a c
hat & cup of tea. On departure I had the same starting problem again & as b
efore, hand proping worked!
On arrival home I removed the starter & found that all of the starter's mou
nting base was coated in ACF-50. I dried all of it off along with the matin
g engine area & the 2 mounting bolts. The engine started on the first turn
of the ignition key & hasn't failed to start in the 2 years since.
Lesson learned = don't put ACF-50 anywhere near an electrical connection!
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From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of rparigoris <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 8:53:45 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: OVP
Hi Group FWIW as far as AVC1 goes, I used both grounds as suggested by B&C
. Ron P.
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