Neither Vy or Vx...
75kt is my loiter speed in calm air; flaps and undercarriage retracted.. setting
the rpm at 3900 the aircraft will tootle along happily once trimmed; at 3800rpm
it will tootle along at 70kt and is just starting to feel a little bit mushy
but still quite stable.
80kt on climb out at 5000rpm returns 1600fpm at 500' AMSL and seems to be the Vy
so far...
Still need to do some upper air work to see what Vx actually is; power on stall
is 53kt.
The flaps are about 1deg extended when retracted, and the ailerons are about
positive at neutral; so this would affecting the flight characteristics of
the wing at various velocities. Not sure if John had intentionally set things
up like that; he had a valid reason for all his mods when building.
Read this topic online here: