Le 14/02/2023 03:26, Martin Tuck a crit:
> Hi Folks,
> Started my 912UL today (first time for 2-3 months) and it started
> first time! However, I noticed that the 12V 'no-charge' lamp
> (connected to the rectifier pins L and C) remained illuminated
> indicating no charge.
> I ran the engine a while to get it up to temp but the lamp stayed on
> and after shut down my battery voltage had dropped below 11.5V. so it
> is definitely is not being charged.
> I'm sure it could be a number of things from a dodgy rectifier to
> issues with the alternator.
> Any pointers as to what to look first at would be appreciated. /
Hi Martin,
I'd first check actual voltages with a reliable voltmeter, then perform
a serious check of the wiring and connections.
Did your alternator charge before? Did you disconnect/connect /anything
/since last time you ran the engine with no issues?
Best regards