nice little summary on that I stumbled across fwiw
On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 1:44 PM dmac7 <> wrote:
> It will vary but winter mogas has typically 10% more butane to help it
> start in cooler seasons, butane has 20% less energy than gasoline and
> evaporates easily so it doesn't age well in a vented tank.
> The EPA mandates the Ried vapour pressure =RVP, and butane is how they
> adjust this. Mogas usually more volatile than 100LL.
> 100LL has additives to reduce icing and static and anti oxidents to
> prevent gum build up, it ages well. I would suggest buy a spcific gravity
> tester, from Fisher Scientific, only $20 when I bought mine. Good to know
> what's in the tank.
> Read this topic online here: