Rowland_Carson wrote:
> On 2023-02-16, at 08:41, Hitchflight wrote:
> >
> > (
> Bob - I hope that many members will support this - it looks a good idea.
> Am I correct in thinking that the intention is to show home addresses, NOT
> aircraft
bases? With so many Rotax engines being stolen, I would not want to have
pointers published that thieves could use to locate potential targets. Yes,
I know the map will be members-only, but the black hats may well have the tools
to circumvent website security as well as the ones used to liberate engines!
> Ive recently been doing something similar with online maps using the Leaflet
templates, which I found really easy to use - see:
> (
> in friendship
> Rowland
> | Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...|
> (| Skype,
> Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson
Hi Rowland,
The intention is to use the first part of an individuals post code for their
This will identify the general location, but not the specific address
of the individual. The individuals name and email address would be displayed,
but not their address or phone number. In this way, an individual can be
contacted, but it is then up to the individual to decide if they wish to
Best Regards
Bob Dawson
Europa Club Treasurer
Bob Dawson
Europa XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ || Dynon Skyview || PilotAware || SmartAss3
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