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Europa-List: Re: the Obsidian Files - So Much Noise!!!

Subject: Europa-List: Re: the Obsidian Files - So Much Noise!!!
From: clivesutton <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 01:26:49

Loving your posts on this topic, a great mix of detail and humour.  Can i ask 
you get your geometry from - do you use a 3D scanner?  And which CAD and
CAE analysis tools please?

On the potential to improve exhaust silencer re-radiated noise, i worked with 
owner of CKT a few years ago to help him develop a cabin heater based on a
shroud around the silencer (loads of heat power there).  It didn't progess to
a for sale product for internal reasons, but i know them fairly well/they might
let me have redacted CAD geometry for it that might help what you are doing?

Reducing the noise radiated from the cylindrical silencer is always going to be
difficult.  The flatter ends are a possible area.  Think Rayleigh pistons - 
noise radiation is concerned as the size and stiffness of the surface controls
both frequency range and ability to re-radiate.


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