Hello Paul,
Well I recently closed in my mono hole and followed instructions that Bud
posted (or emailed me, can't remember). I started by doing 3 layers of
bi-direction cloth on a glass table and used a vacuum bag to make it flat
as possible. Then taped that up against the bottom and traced out the hole
---From the inside. Then I used G10 board as the access cover plate and cut
that shape plus an extra 5mm or so. From there I freeCAD designed some
spacers to give a nice even 2mm gap around the access G10 cover and placed
that in the hole and filled the void with flox and over lapped with 3
layers of bid to mount nut plates to later. With the trace line cut I held
the patch in place with tape and ran 3 layers of bid from the panel to the
side walls to glue in.
Its now complete but I have a video that talks a little about it here.
Hope this helps,
On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 11:29=AFAM Paul McAllister <paul.the.aviator@
> Hi all,
> I=99m at the stage in my tri gear conversion where I need to think
about how
> I am going to cover the hole in the belly and I am looking for ideas from
> those who have gone before me. Think light =F0=9F=98=84
> My initial thought is to cut some 3 mm foam and cover it with some plies
> of uni on each side. I would have a couple of access holes or perhaps one
> oval shaped hole.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.