Thanks Bud
So Ill stick with sp4
William Daniell
+1 786 878 0246
On Sun, May 7, 2023, 04:35 Bud Yerly <> wrote:
> Will,
> Aeroshell Sport Plus 4 (Aeroshell SP4) is good for either Mogas (AKI 91 o
> R+M/2) of 91 or 92 and is fine also with 100LL IAW Rotax Service letters
> and experience.
> Any other oil must have the proper gearbox additives used in motorcycles
> as Area 51 noted also. We used to use Mobile MX4T (now known as Racing
> 4T Motorcycle oil) which is a motorcycle/ATV oil using additives for
> gearboxes bathed in engine oil. Do not use regular Mobile One in a Rotax
> although many did until after 2011-2012 914-SB-19?? or so when the
> guidance changed due to the gearbox additive not found in Mobile 1 which
> may have caused some gearbox issues of which the Rotax Gods kept secret a
> Rotax went hard over for Aeroshell SP4. Primary reason was Aeroshell
> doesn=99t change their oil without notice as auto oil manufacturers
do. If
> you use TCP and SP4 the lead settles in the tank when the oil cools. As
> you all know I change oil every 25-30 hours anyway as I believe in routin
e 25
> hour inspections and since I use and will continue to use 100LL it keeps
> the oil can cleaner. You also know I don=99t follow hearsay and do
my own
> research (Have internet, will research!).
> Miscellaneous Ramblings:
> If using Super Premium Auto Fuel AKI 91 (whatever the local station calls
> it) we never had a problem with the Mobile MX4T but there were starting
> issues if the gas was old. But even at a higher oil change interval,
> look at the cost difference:
> I fly less than most of you, so Aeroshell SP4 is cost effective. SP4 is
> about $11-15 a quart and MX4T is about $12-15 a quart. Depending on
> where you buy it. I buy the SP4 a case at a time (12 quarts) for about
> $135 including shipping, and the 4T is about $86 for 6 quarts plus shippi
> Again, depending on where you buy your oil costs change. Since only a
> few airports across the US carry MOGAS of 91 AKI, I can=99t avoid l
> AVGas use. I stick with the SP4. Do I religiously use the TCP fuel
> additive? Well, I try to. If cross country and I need oil and the FBO
> does not stock SP4, I use either the Valvoline semi synthetic motorcycle
> oil or Mobil MX4T to add if my oil level gets low for some reason.
> Although some say a full synthetic oil only has to be changed every 100
> Hrs, I=99m afraid I have not bought into that. Florida is hot, hum
id, and
> iron gears are prone to rusting. Synthetics are great oils, but I
> personally am not inclined to be a test case due to our high humidity
> conditions and the lack of coating Mobile one seems to have in comparison
> to standard oil on the gears when the plane sets for weeks/months.
> AVGas is averaging now (on cross country) about $7 (Sebring is $5) and
> Premium 92 Octane R+M/2 is about $4/gallon in Tampa. If I fly 25 hours a
> year how much do I save at 5-6 gal/hr with a 25 hour oil change. (Note I
> really only flew the Europa 10 hours last year.) My gas use would be 137
> gallons and an oil change is about 3 quarts. Avgas/SP4 at 5.5GPH $962+33
> for oil =$995 but normally with my discount $688+45=$732 and 91AKI Mo
> use would cost in my area (My FF is 5.8 GPH at 31 inches on Shell Supreme
> fuel) $582 + 45= $625 and I must now consider I can=99t get relia
ble MOGAS on
> cross country at the nice airports, however I still have to worry about b
> or old gas that has been setting at the airport and in my airplane. For
> me it is not that much of a difference over a years worth of flying but,
> if you only fly local and fly 300 hours a year, you can save quite a bit.
> Those folks overseas that can get good super supreme fuel at airfields an
> go 50 hours between oil changes can save enough to pay a month=99s
hangar fee
> and or a month=99s worth of insurance so it=99s worth it for
those overseas to
> look for alternatives due to their high fuel costs and oil availability.
> me, in the Tampa Florida area, it just isn=99t worth the stagnant f
uel issues
> since I fly so little and SP4 works and is relatively cheap to buy for a
> specialty oil. As far as auto fuel goes vs 100LL, my particular 914
> likes 100LL. It starts really fast. No worries about kickback on start
> with that fuel, no matter how old it is. With ethanol laced super MoGas
> only available here in Tampa, I find that by using 100LL fuel, my carbs a
> always clean and have stayed tuned for 4 years, the floats don=99t
sink and
> my float bowls look like new. Others in the area are not so lucky that
> fuel with ethanol gas.
> Note, I had Lockwood do a 500 Hr top overhaul of my 914 running 100LL wit
> TCP and SP4 oil and Rotax Filter. The engine was unbelievably clean on
> the inside. The oil tank holds the lead in suspension like it is
> supposed to. The only thing I find is, in the oil filter there are small
> chunks of carbon from the turbo. There is a new Service Bulletin on the
> 914 turbo can which changes the design and adds a filter screen. It may
> set too close to my duct so I doubt I can change it without lowering the
> duct. I=99ll see how much it costs. I like the design but, I prob
> will be shocked by the price. To tell you the truth I can=99t wait
for the
> new unleaded AVGas either. I bet the AVGas price jumps 30% initially
> when it comes out.
> So, the choice is yours. Research and do your own math for your flying
> needs and fuel/oil costs. I wouldn=99t skimp on fluids though. Go
od fresh
> gas, and good oil are a must. Maintenance becomes more of a time change
> requirement with proper fluids. Do the inspections and time changes and
> your plane will reward you with only periodic maintenance and leave you
> more money for upgrades.
> You all know what keeps an airplane flying don=99t you.MON
> Bud Yerly
> *From:* <
>> *On Behalf Of *William Daniell
> *Sent:* Friday, May 05, 2023 10:50 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Europa-List: Oil - Rotax - Synthetic or other
> Whats is the consensus on the best oil.
> I have used the Aeroshell sport PLUS 4 oil up to now mainly because I use
> AVGAS in Colombia. (Mogas was of doubtful quality.)
> I have since heard that lost of people use Mobil Synthetic.
> Any thoughts?
> William Daniell
> +1 786 878 0246