Yesterday was spent recording db levels in the cockpit, and also in the car on
the way home... 95-100 db on WOT, 93db on Cruise Climb, 90db on Cruise, 77-80
db at Idle... the daily driver was 70 db down the highway. Sitting in a cafe at
lunch watching the db frequencies on the app allowed identification of various
tones; definitely carbi throat noise and low freq' panel drumming. Going back
to the console to check our earlier acoustic results which indicate the baffle
attenuating the frequency range required by 30db... this is going to be
to observe on the actuals.
A great day again to fly, but no flying was done... instead the morning was
trial fitting the airbox baffle insert.
The new Prusa was pulled out of the box last night after three months waiting
something to do; and it is a beast of a machine... perfect prints after carrying
out Z height calibration.
Half the baffle insert and an extension was printed up.. after measuring the
things were left as set by the supplier at 0.05mm under size; and that
quality is pretty amazing.
Straight after pulling the baffle print off the print bed i thought; hmm looks
fantastic, should of just printed a profile stencil...
So off we went to the field to see what happens... the lid came off the engine
bay and out came the air filter element and in went the baffle; except it didn't
fit... .... .... out came the Sharpee and the ruler and away went the hacksaw
over the marker lines, choppy chop chop, sand sand sand, chop some more, and
some more until the baffle fit.
Then it was time for a cup of tea and a walk down to the back hangar to sort out
Norman's ignition issues. Then it was time for a cup of tea.
After another cup of tea it was time to throw the airbox into the ute and go
and ponder the day's failures and successes.... so some templates were printed
up and then the baffle insert got totally remodelled... now it will slide
straight into the airbox with the airfilter element nesting in the baffle as the
Tomorrow another printing session, and another step toward success! Hopefully
airfield session will involve an engine start...
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