Its been raining here again and the conditions are IMC... so its been a
great opportunity to sit for days on end at the terminal and create more
fluff... lots of fluff...
Among all the fluff being created the airbox got some attention. More bits
got printed up; tuned and honed to sufficient and efficient levels; took a
few goes but it got there in the end with great results.
The profile of the baffle box was amended along with a revised version of
the extension tube; all optimised for printing on the Prusa which is an
absolute beast with its custom Bontech Mosquito print head that was
specially ordered and installed by the vendor.
After discovering the wrong side of the air filter element had been used as
the dimensional a 6.0mm insert was required; I screwed up; it happens; a lot.
Carbon rods were used for doweling, and with the whole lot ready it all
press fitted together perfectly as designed. With a smear of flex sealant
it was a pressing moment... ...
Then the Durabloc kit was grabbed for some precision shaping of the
factory airbox... After a productive session shaping the baffle insert was a
great fit and ready for sealing with some West System epoxy.
Next task required will be printing up a "Special Tool" to retract the baffle
extension tubes to allow baffle box removal... We like Special Tools...
Some more acoustic assessments were also run which showed that the
revised baffle assembly attenuates specific transitional frequencies to
27db, which is not as good as the original scoping design which achieved
47db, however the broadband response of the revised baffle box is wider
than the scoping version... Alternate concepts were quickly modeled up
and also tried; which is another story for another episode.
And that's the end of this episode...
The next one we will see what kind of real world results are observed
---From the commander's seat... Will it work? or will it all be an extravagant
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