I often wondered how effective troy manors reverse naca exhaust is, being
1 aft of the doors, on top of the fuse.
> On Aug 18, 2023, at 10:59 AM, Erich Trombley <erichdtrombley@juno.com> wrote:
> Hello Area-51,
> One area I would be keen to get some insight on with your computer modeling is
cabin fresh air exhaust.
> I have reviewed the paper Bud published on the topic which has some good
> information.
While I am confident removing a piece of door seal at the top aft section
of the canopy door will work, I am not too excited about the idea.
> Currently, I am using standoffs on the removable D panel in aft cabin
> bulkhead.
The spacing allows cabin fresh air to escapesomewhere. I am not really sure
how it makes its way overboard, nor how efficiently. Unfortunately, this
method isnt completely effective as I still have considerable bulging of the
Perhaps I need longer standoffs to increase the gap. As such, I only have
one door seal on at the moment allowing the air to escape via the port door
which minimizes door bulging. I also notice in the winter months when I have
the cabin fresh air vents closed, cold air blows on my neck which seems to be
coming from the D panel.
> Any comments or suggestions welcome.
> Best regards,
> Erich Trombley
> N28ET
> Classic Mono 914