Ira - thanks for the explanation. I thought it might be something like that.
I pretty much gave up trying to program seriously for the Mac after Think C
working. I did try to learn a bit about Cocoa, but it seemed every time I
was getting a grip there was an update that threw new stuff at me - and then
came Xcode . . . .
in friendship
> On 2023-12-01, at 16:29, rampil <> wrote:
> Hi Rowland!
> I hope you are well!
> Sorry about the app requiring iOS 17.
> Current market surveillance on my 26 apps in the store
> shows me that roughly 90% of current users are already
> upgraded, and that fraction is climbing.
> Most of my apps have a minimal requirement of iOS 14,
> but for this newly written app I chose to use the new
> Apple programming language called SwiftUI. It was
> a bit of a struggle to learn and it has more stringent
> requirements in terms of what it will run on. It has a number
> of advantages in developing the user interface, supporting
> different devices and screen sizes with fewer programming
> errors.
> I did have a previous generation of the this App in the old
> Apple language of Objective C which ran on iOS 12, but
> the National Weather Service data source it used was
> discontinued, so I removed it from sale and started over.
> --------
> Ira N224XS
> Read this topic online here:
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
| <>
| Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson