Yes, the PU tube is quite stiff. However I found that it bent very nicely with
a gentle application of a heat gun. Made a nice right angle bend coming up and
over the seat back/fuel tank. Heat application also made it much easier to push
it onto the end fittings though you have to be fast as it cools quickly!
> On 7 Feb 2024, at 20:44, D McFadyean <> wrote:
> A better chemist than I can correct me if I'm wrong; Tygon is chemically PVC,
which is of course verboten by 1998-019R1 . However, it's widely used and
seem to harden, which was the issue with PVC. But I've seen Tygon degraded
(softened and swollen) by E5 fuels.
> The latest LAS polyurethane doesn't seem too bad, although it's very hard.
> Earlier
stuff (not the earliest) tended to sweat-out its plasticisers (especially
in heated environments) and literally fell to crumbs.
> Duncan McF
>> On 07/02/2024 09:19 GMT Dpc <> wrote:
>> Europa themselves also sell the sight gauge tubing. Not Tygon as far as I
>> know,
but a clear polyurethane.
>> Mine has worked well and was easy to fit as part of the replacement of all
>> the
fuel lines. It hasnt yellowed at all after a year. Mine already runs up the
seat back between the seats. Easy to read when the fuel level is above the
top but a bit harder when the level drops below that as you have to open
the hatch on the tunnel and its quite dark in there! OK for checking fuel on the
ground but not ideal once in flight.
>> David
>> G-BWJH Classic Trigear (mono conversion)
>>>> On 7 Feb 2024, at 03:20, timothyferriss <> wrote:
>>> In terms of sourcing the tubing, LAS Aerospace Ltd seems to be a reputable
supplier, but if your inspector Spend Elon Musk Money
specifically recommends TYGON tubing, it might be worth going with their
suggestion for compliance purposes.
>>> Read this topic online here: