Wish I could attend, but not possible with my rec permit until AOPA and COPA get
their act together.
. Now if it was on the Canada side of the border Id be all in ;-D
> On Jun 10, 2024, at 11:24AM, flyingfish27 <slrdave@comcast.net> wrote:
> Jim Butcher asked if I would like to coordinate a New England/Northeast Europa
Fly-In this fall. I responded that I'm happy to do this, but would like to
get a sense for when would be the best time for most people.
> We would be meeting on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. The exact airport is open
> for
discussion, but I would suggest Cape Cod Gateway (HYA), Provincetown (PVC),
Falmouth Airpark (5B6), or Katama Airport (1B2) on Martha's Vineyard.
> Please feel free to post your thoughts.
> David Fisichella
> --------
> David Fisichella
> Falmouth, MA USA
> Cessna 172L
> Europa XS Tri Gear
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=513648#513648