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Europa-List: Re: Rotax 912ULS oil consumption

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Rotax 912ULS oil consumption
From: Area-51 <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 02:27:30

181 has a 912UL with 1500hrs on it; top end overhauled 160hrs ago. It 
uses 100ml every 5hrs, and I am not concerned about the consumption at all
using Shell Sport+.

Some on other Rotax forums have mentioned using AGIP and other high performance
motor cycle oils with better results, i.e reduction in oil consumption. However
its unknown if these oils are formulated to retain their performance above
4500' altitudes.

If a 912UL/S is not burning oil then it is possible the fuel pump membrane is 
fuel into the lubrication system. The result is thinning engine oil snd
diminishing of lubrication performance. There was an AD on this issue.

On the preflight rollover burping an engine that takes longer to burp than 
would indicate better sealing of the compression rings. A fast burp is not
a good thing, it could be a symptom of worn compression rings. So rolling the
prop over slower will burp the engine faster than rolling it over in a hurry.

Always check for oil leaks at the common spots and fix them if possible; 
parting line, valve pushrod tubes, valve rocker covers, oil return banjo at
crankcase, oil pump case cover.

Hope this info helps.

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