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Re: Sky Force Colour Moving Map

Subject: Re: Sky Force Colour Moving Map
From: Graham Edward Laucht <>
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 1995 00:35:23

I will get shot for releasing this sort of information but here goes.

The colour SkyMap CM2000 will need an aperture cut in the panel which is
6.25"W x 4"H (Sorry aircraft stuff is still good old inches). In order to
mount the rack unit some provision is needed to mount to either a pair of
L section brackets bonded or rivetted to the panel rear face on each side or
some side structure. You will have probably introduced something to mount the
radio/txponder chassis which will suffice.
Each bracket needs two holes 13.00mm from the front panel face at 65.00mm
centres equispaced about the centreline to take M3 or equivalent countersunk
head screws.
There is a third hole on the centreline 106.5mm from the centrelines of the
65mm pair making three per side in total.

The mapper is retained in the rack mount with a screw accessed with an Allen
key from the front panel beneath the on/off/brightness knob.

Nasty ascii art follows:-

                  I                                    I
                  +   --X                              +       
                  I   13.0mm +0 -0.5                   I
_PANEL____________I   __X                              I_____________________

                  <--------- 6.25" +1/16" -0" --------->
                  ______________________________________  __
                  I                                    I   X
                  I                                    I   |
                  +  --X                               +   |
                  I                                    I   |
        ---C/L--- I   65.0mm centres +/-0.25           I  4" (4.5"*) ---C/L---
                  I                                    I   |
                  +  --X                               +   |
                  I                                    I   |
                  I___________________________________ I  _X
                          All corners 1.0mm radius

          X----    ->0<--3.25 DIA                                      I
          |                                                            I
          |                                                            I
   C/L---65.00mm--------------------------------   0                   I
         +/-0.25                                                       I
          |                                                            I
          X----      0 <--3 holes per side (2 minimum)                 I
                -->  <--13.00 +0 -0.25
                     <------106.50 +/-0.25-------->
                  <------------------190mm total depth------------------>
                         Allows for cables, harness and connecters


*Now for those that don't quite have the pennies leaving 4.5" will make room
for something due very soon. The four side at holes at 13mm increase to around
For those in the market save your Christmas pennies for a few weeks, it may
just be worth the wait*

Both will take a 10-30V DC supply or in the case of the mystery, self powered
as well. Plan on cutting a small aperture approx 60mm x 60mm through the inner
skin and foam of the roof section between the clamshell doors for the antenna
or a round hole approx 16mm diameter plus two or three small holes somewhere
aft of the baggage bay bulkhead for an external mount. These numbers are 
approximate at the moment so don't hack at the hardware just yet.

Sorry I cannot come clean yet as I am bound to secrecy. Good weather permitting
I might be seen at Popham with ** at the New Year's Day Bangers 'n Beans do. 
Graham Edward Laucht
Birmingham UK

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