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Re: Premolded wings and tail feathers

Subject: Re: Premolded wings and tail feathers
From: Jeff Bures <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 00:39:44

>BTW, for those particularly interested in the motor glider version, check out
>the Windex kit from Sweden (see the PFA Homebuild Guide). I haven't any info
>back from them yet but this single seater claims similar performance to the
>existing Europa (cruise speed and rate of climb) on a
>Konig 25 hp motor (mounted in the tail fin) and an L/D of 38 to 1. The 
>Europa MG version will, in comparison, have an L/D of 27 to 1 - 
>somewhat disappointing in view of the fact that the existing configuration has,
>I believe, a 17 to 1 L/D. The main snag with the Windex is that it's a single


BTW, the Windex was designed in Sarasota Fl, USA.  The owner of the shop is
a member of our gliding club (inactive, though).  He named the motor glider
after a weathervane type instrument that sailors put on their mast (also his
design).  I'm not a sailor, so I don't know what it is......


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