While checking through the items I collected on Friday 9th Jan 1998 and
although awaiting the delivery note and list of parts, initial indications
are that apart from the items discussed; i.e fuel tank and updates to
manual, I believe I'm missing:
Parts for Main Landing Gear Wheel Hub Assembly, Page 32-8 Fig 2 Issue 1.
Second set of rudder pedals, CS 18 and 19. Page 23-10 Fig 4 Issue 1
Certain items of the new tailwheel, although without the diagrams I'm unsure
what but, certainly the equivelant of TW04 from the old design.
I am also not sure when the operators manual is delivered (A5 sized). I have
in the past received amendments but have not received the full manual.
When you have the delivery note and packing list sent through to me I'll
check through the contents collected in detail.
Thanks very much
Alan Burrill
Kit 303